Ex-Squeeze Me

Have you scheduled your mammogram?

The LGBTQIA+ community experiences cancer disparities due to increased risk factors and lower screening rates, attributable to health literacy gaps and systemic barriers. The need for increased awareness of mammography needs for LGBT people is clear: Across the country, only about 5% of women have never received a mammogram in their lives; In Pennsylvania, 1 in 5 of LGBT people who are eligible for routine mammograms have never had one (21.2%). Even more shockingly, nearly half of eligible of transgender, non-binary, or genderqueer respondents (49.4%) Pennsylvanians have never had a mammogram - a rate ten times higher than the majority population.

Mammograms are the best screening tool used today to detect breast cancer early. In fact, research studies repeatedly find that individuals are much more likely to beat and survive breast cancer if it was detected via mammography. Early detection is your best protection, and a mammogram could be a lifesaver.

A mammogram is an x-ray image of the breast. Routine mammograms can detect cancer early, before the cancer presents any signs or symptoms. This is when the chances of a full recovery are highest and why early direction is your best prevention. Numerous studies show that lesbian and bisexual women are less likely to get routine mammography screenings than the majority population. The disparity in breast cancer is more disturbing among transgender and non-binary people for whom regular mammograms are recommended.

Recommendation for people at average risk:

For Cisgender women:
Every 1-2 years beginning at age 40 years

For AMAB (assigned male at birth)
non-binary individuals and transgender women:
Every 2 years beginning at age 50 or older
for those who have used hormones for at least 5 years

For AFAB (assigned female at birth)
non-binary individuals and transgender men:
: Every 1-2 years beginning at the age of 40
if you did not have a mastectomy or only had a breast reduction

Talk to your health care provider to see if you’re at increased risk and need additional screening.
If you notice changes in the way your breasts look or feel, visit your health care provider and ask about having a clinical breast exam.
If you need an affirming medical provider, please contact [email protected]

The ACOG breast cancer screening guidelines
The Center of Excellence for Transgender care at UCSF breast cancer screening guidelines
The University of Hospitals, breast cancer screening guidelines